
Saturday, July 31, 2010

July in review.

So I won't lie, I haven't gotten anything done this past week for my models. Starcraft 2 came out, and I've been busy playing it. Also, I found out my Desktop computer cannot handle playing starcraft 2, So my next purchase for my marines is going to be pushed back so I can get a new desktop. Playing on my laptop just isn't fun.
I realized that with out an upcoming tournament, my motivation to finish my models seems to be gone.
Hopefully next week I'll have something to actually post.


  1. Aug 7 - tournament at Games 2D4
    Aug 21 - tournament at Games 2D4
    Aug 28 - tournament at GP Bloomington
    Sep 18 - tournament at GP Bloomington
    Oct 9 - tournament at GP Bloomington

    These should keep me busy for a while. Perhaps they could pull you away from Starcraft for a bit.

  2. Dang, I didn't know there were that many coming up. I guess I need to accept to drive a little bit to them. Maybe I'll make to to a few of those then. Thanks!

  3. The drive isn't bad; about an hour from the south side. I haven't been down to Bloomington for a tournament in years, but the ones I went to were a lot of fun.
