
Saturday, May 21, 2011

List I'm running

OK, So this is a scheduled post. I should be at the Bloomington Game preserve at the 1850 tournament they are having.

Last weekend I went to the G2D4 tourney and did well. My list was as follows

Friday, May 20, 2011

Everything is better with bacon

In this case bacon is a cape.

Just an Idea I had. I think it came out pretty well. The carbine and back areas could be a little cleaner. I really like how dynamic looks for such a simple thing.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Red army

 A few tests for my Tau. I had a third but can't find it at the moment. Trying to find out the proper lay out of colors I want on the Fire warriors.

Not fully satisfied with either of them. Good thing I have a lot of random fire warriors to practice on. Ideas or suggestions?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tyranid Alpha warrior

Some call him Tyranid Prime. He does not have all Tyranid options, he is just an expensive Warrior, and Prime can get confusing.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tyranid lists

For the Bloomington tournament this coming weekend I've been thinking of possible lists. They are running the event at 1850.

First Idea is T6 spam

Hive Tyrant; Old Adversary, bonesword lashwhip, Scything talons, Wings
Hive guard x2
Hive guard x2
Tervigon; adrenal glands, toxin sacs, catalyst, stinger salvo
Termagaunts x10
Tervigon; adrenal glands, toxin sacs, catalyst, stinger salvo
Termagaunts x10
Gargoyles x10; adrenal glands, toxin sacs
Gargoyles x10; adrenal glands, toxin sacs
Tyrannofex; rupture cannon, cluster spines, desiccator larvae
Tyrannofex; rupture cannon, cluster spines, desiccator larvae
Trygon; adrenal glands

That's 46 T6 wounds. But really it doesn't do much more than that.

The other option I'm looking at is this

Alpha warrior; bonesword lashwhip, scything talons, adrenal glands and toxin sacs
Ymgarl stealers x10
Hive guard x2
Hive guard x2
Warriors x6; Deathspitters, barbed strangler, scything talons
Hormagaunts x15; adrenal glands
Tervigon; adrenal glands, toxin sacs, catalyst, stinger salvo
Termagaunts x12

Gene stealers x10
Gene stealers x10
Raveners x5; scything talons, rending claws
Biovores x2

This one has a good amount of flexibility. Though I still would need to test it.
What are your thoughts?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Camera woes

I was going to start uploading some pictures of my works in progress today. Alas I cannot find my cable for my camera. This means I cannot upload pictures or charge my camera until I do. Until that time you'll just have to take my word that things are getting done.

I've got some test models painted for my Tau, I magnetized my new Tyranid prime. I have 5 more warriors I'm working on assembling. Finally I'll finish magnetizing my last assault marine squad. For now I'm working on finishing up my last few nids I've been neglecting. More on that soon.


Just got back from a tournament from Hive Fleet Indy. Went 2-1 claiming 4th general. I had been doubting myself lately and threw together a mech Blood angels list that was similar to one I had been playing. My first two games I got full wins (tabled both). My third game was against deamons. We both had some pretty bad rolls, with the game coming down to me needing to gain one more KP to tie the primary as I had the secondary set up to win. Well my dice continued to hate me and I lost the game, Minor loss essentially.

This has lifted my spirit slightly and ended my losing streak. I came home and worked on some models. I plan on getting some painting done this week. I have tomorrow free and should get some pictures posted up. It is good to be motivated again, and enjoying the game.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Army painter spray

This stuff is good! I've only used it on 4 test models so far, but it just feels right. It is more of a puff than a spray but it coats evenly and quickly. I'm just using grey but it comes in a wide range of colors. The down side is it costs about the same as GW brand stuff. Though I will probably stick with this stuff since it seems to work well for me and comes in colors. I'm going to go back outside and keep using it, I'll comment if anything comes up that changes my opinion.

Also sorry for the sporadic posts, I'll see if I can't get more posted consistently.