
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

tyranids vs chaos

Hi knowsaj here, this is my first battle report so im open to criticism. I was playing my tyranids and Nemesis his nurgle marines, also Nemesis took all the picture (all 73 of them I had to go through with most being blurry messes).

warlord trait: Precepts of Deception (so worthless for my list really)

my 1850 list
warlord hive tyrant w/ x2 twinlinked devourers
psychic powers:warpspeed, smite
hive tyrant w/ x2 twinlinked devourers
psychic powers:cant remember but never used any of them
tervigon w/ toxin sacs, catalyst
psychic powers:iron arm, leech life
tervigon w/ toxin sacs, catalyst
pschic powers:warpspeed, smite
x20 devourergaunts in pod
x20 devourergaunts in pod
doom in pod

his warlord trait I cant remember but it never came into effect whatever it was

Nemesis 1850 list(closeish)
lord on bike w/ black mace and burning brand
x7plauge marines w/ x2plasma, rhino w/ havok launcher
x7plauge marines w/ x2plasma, rhino w/ havok launcher
x10 chaos cultist
x7terminators w/ combiplas and combimelta (not sure the how many but a lot)
x5 chaos spawn

In this game we had 5 objectives one in the center one, on each flank and one in each back center. It was a fun game as are all of our games me and Nemesis play. I won the roll off chose my side, deployed and went first.

My Turn 1
My tyrants switched to swooping and both moved to the center of the table to try to kill Nemesis’s biker lord with the torrent flamer (burning brand). They shot all 24 of there str6 twinlinked shots. After look out sirs and armor saves the lord took two wounds and two bikes dropped. Both of my tervigons jammed one making 13 the other making 8, both of these brood I hide behind my tervigons to keeps nemesis from getting Epidemius tally up to quick. The two tervigons moved up and my mawlocs burrowed.

Nemesis turn 1
Epidemius and his plague bearers came in and deep striked on my left flank. He moved his spawn forward into the area terrain on my right flank. His terminators, bikes, all 3 obliterators and plague marines moved into range of my tyrants. The plague marines both got out of there rhinos and all of them shot into my tyrants downing and killing the one on the lower level and only downing my warlord which took a wound from the crash.

My turn 2
Both of my mawlocs auto came in. the first came in and try to hit his plague marines but scattered over next to his obliterators. The second one got a direct hit but only killed two of them. The Doom of Malantia landed next to the obliterators and his spirit leech ability caused a wound. Only one of the devourer gaunt broods came in and they shot into the plague marines killing two of them. Both of the tervigons moved closer towards the center, the closer of the two shot and assaulted his lord and bikes. Forgetting that his lord had the black mace I cast iron arm on my tervigon . My tervigon missed with all his attacks and took a wound from the lord. My last tyrant swooped over and gunned down one of his obliterators.

Nemesis turn 2
Both of his plague marine squads moved into there rhinos and moved to my left. The marines shot plasma at the mawloc and there rhinos shot havoc launchers at the devourer gaunts. The terminators moved up and shot combi plas and melta into the mawloc died. His last to obliterators shot into doom and killed him. The chaos spawn on my right flank moved up and assaulted my gaunt brood. Epidemius moved upso that his aura would hit my devourergaunts and the termaguants. With my right flank opened up his cultist moved out of there hiding spot and moved up towards the objective. My tervigon missed with all his attacks again but saved all wounds. His tally was now full and would start on his next turn.

My turn 3
I knew epidemius had to go before that tally buffs kicked into effect.
My second devourergaunt brood came in and landed next to epidemius. The remaining devourergaunts moved towards him as well. My tyrant glided over to him. They all shot into him and epidemius and his plague bearers went down in a blaze of flesh eating beetles. My back tervigon assaulted into his spawn to try to save some gaunts but they killed the gaunts but not before losing two spawn. My mawloc assaulted the obliterator that was dangerously close to my devgaunts and wiped him out and consolidated into the area terrain. Then after all his rounds a fail my tervigon killed his bike lord.

Nemesis turn 3

He moved his terminators up and assaulted into my tervigon to try to get his bikes out of combat, though he forgot that his termie sergeant would have to challenge my tervigon. The tervigon squashed him. His obliterator moved up and shot at my gliding tyrant and did two wounds to him. The plague marins rhinos moved and shot the havoc launchers into the smaller brood of devourer gaunts killing a handful. The marines inside the rhinos shot plasma into the mawloc in cover causing one wound. His chaos cultist moved onto the objective on my right flank.

My turn 4
I moved both the devourergaunt brood onto my left objective. The mawloc assaulted the last obliterator and killed him and consolidated forward. The back gaunt brood assaulted into the termies to help out my tervion. The bike could not hurt my tervigon due to iron arm and the termies where not much better. My tyrant swooped to the other side of the board and shot and killed all ten cultists. The spawn put a wound on my tervigon and took two wounds from him.

Nemesis turn 4
He moved one rhino to the center objective and the other to his back objective. the pawn take 3 wounds from the tervigon and the tervigon does not fail any saves. The terminators, bike, gaunts and tervigon traded blows but remain locked in combat.

My turn 5
I moved the bigger devourer brood back towards my back objective leaving the smaller brood to hold the left objective. my tyrant glides next to the spawn and assaults and with his help clears the spawn and the tervigon consolidates towards my right objective. the tyrant consolidates into the area terrain in the back right corner. My last mawloc burrows to hopefully contest one of the objectives next turn. The tervigon finally goes down to the terminators at the worse possible time.

Nemesis turn 5
The plague marines get out of the rhino onto his back objective and there rhino moves towards my left objective. his other plague marine unit get out of there rhino onto the center objective and there rhino moves up to block my gaunts from getting to my back objective. his termies move onto the my back objective to further prevent me from claiming it, they also shot into my tyrant that was in area terrain and killed him.he moved his last two bikes up and shot and killed my last gaunts on the objective.

My turn 6
My mawloc came in and tried to land on his back objective to kill some marines and contest but he scattered way off. I ran him to try to contest but I was unable to. My tervigon stood on my left objective and shot at his marines on the center objective. my last brood of devourergaunts moved up onto my left objective they shot and killed his last to bikes.

Nemesis turn 6
The termies and rhino further walled off the objective from me. His other rhino tank shocked my gaunts off the objective.

Ended on turn 6
Nemesis                                               Knowsaj
2 objective=6                                       1 objective=3
line breaker=1                                      line breaker=1
slay the warlord=1                                slay the warlord=1
first blood=1                                         total=5

overall It was a close game, had a lot of fun. This was a variant of my 1850 list for the Bloomington tournament, this list performed well at 1850 but not really due to the 10 extra devourer gaunts. The crushing claws and extra pyschic powers on the tervigons are a better choice. In hindsight I feel like maybe I should have just ran the mawloc towards the back objective to contest rather then rely on deepstrike and maybe at least wreck the rhino. or maybe not been so agressive with the tyrants but I really wanted that lord dead before his flamer could nock the tally up. 


  1. Great game, this was my list
    Nurgle biker lord
    aura of dark mastery, Black mace,Buring brand, Gift of mutation,meltabomb

    4-combi plas, 2-combi melta,1-heavy flamer,1-chain fist

    7-Plague marines w/ 2-plasmaguns,
    Rhino w/ havoc launcher, dirge caster, dozer blades
    7-Plague marines w/ 2-plasmaguns,
    Rhino w/ havoc launcher, dirge caster, dozer blades

    5-Nurgle bikers
    2-meltagun,1-combi melta,meltabomb
    5-Chaos Spawn w/ mark of nurgle



  2. Nice batrep. It will be even better if to add psychic powers and warlord traits rolled in the beginnig ans some game analysis at the end maybe. Hope to see more reports soon! Go tyranids, go!
