
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Return from Tippcon

By TheGraveMind

While Tippcon Aftermath goes through the actually tournament, this post is going to be more about my army and how it/I performed. I basically took the painted models I had from the Indy open, and added 100 points of upgrades and called it a day. It's not the list I wanted to run, but with out knowing the missions until a few days before hand or how the terrain was, it was my safest bet.

My list was as followed

Hive tyrant; wings, twin devourers x2, Warlord
Hive tyrant; wings, twin devourers x2, Old Adversary (preferred enemy), Toxin sacs
Doom of Mal + Pod
Tervigon; adrenal glands, toxin sacs, 3 powers
Tervigon; adrenal glands, toxin sacs, 3 powers
Tervigon; adrenal glands, toxin sacs, 3 powers
10 termagants
10 termagants
10 termagants
Carnifex with twin devourer x2
Carnifex with twin devourer x2

I would have much rather brought some ymgarl, but they require area terrain, and so are a bit of a gamble. Some tables had limited or non, so it worked out ok. I figured I had guessed right when I saw all of the necron fliers, that my 12 twin linked S6 shots from 4 different monstrous creatures would be my best bet. With some poor luck, I never hurt a single one.

I also had some poor luck with armor/FNP rolls, but you can't really complain about dice in a dice game. (but falling 3/4ths of 3+ saves multiple times really sucks)

I figured fliers would be my worst enemy, but they will always be a Tyranids bane until a new codex, so there isn't a whole lot you can do about that. What hurt me the most is necron tanks. I had never had this much trouble with necrons before, but there were a few key points. My flyrants were such huge target priority units, they died by turn 2 almost every time. Necron AV is 13/13/11, meaning my S6 can't hurt it approaching, and my little critters can't glance them to death on back armor. And once the Flyrants are dead, the wraiths can move up, and I have no more way of dealing with backfield units.

While Ymgarl are decent, they are still always a gamble on terrain. I'm looking at expanding into another pod unit. either 16 devour gaunts or bringing in my 6 deathspitter warriors. This requires me to finish my second pod. and maybe acquire a 3rd and maybe a 4th. I'm even considering changing the carnifexes back to trygons just to have the threat of deepstriking them. I lose out on some potential air shooting, but since 48 shots from them didn't hurt a single flier this past weekend, I don't think I'm missing out on much.

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