By TheGraveMind
Still here. It has been a busy month, with tons of rumors flying around, holidays coming and going, a changing in the budget means a change in jobs, etc.
I'll have some progress shots up soon hopefully. I've been painting and building when I can.
Looks like Lord of War slot and new fortifications might be coming to 40k. I'm interested in seeing how that all pans out.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
The swarm is coming
By TheGravemind
The first pictures of new tyranids are out. First up is the new hive guard pack. New weapon options that look even more like a harpoon/grapple. Supposedly not a dual kit.
The other new rumor is that warriors are getting the broadside treatment and getting bigger and placed on 60mm bases.
This one I hope is not true. I like the current sculpt, I have 30+ of them. Also, warriors are the core chassis of most nids, raveners and lictors will look out of place. They are supposed to be the terminator equivelant, so they should stay 40mm.
Tyranid troubles
By TheGraveMind
Although tyranids are my one true love, I have little hope for them in 6th edition. Even with the new book about to come out in a few months, I don't think they will work. Not the way they are.
Tyranids generally use brute strength of statline to survive (toughness and a lot of wounds). But that isn't cutting it any more. They are also supposed to be close range combatants. Pistol and melee range. That doesn't work much anymore either. The prevalence of high rate of fire and high powered shots means few things can cross the board easily.
Tyranid units need to start being faster and more mobile, but synapse requirements have generally done the opposite of that. It forces the tyranids to move as one force, and units that break off to deal with a threat are generally sacrificed.
A squad of warp spiders can easily put five unsaved wounds on a standard tyranid MC. A properly buffed tau unit can put 8 unsaved wounds. And most of these units can do it with good range/mobility that allows them to minimize retaliation. And it isn't uncommon for many of these to now ignore cover, and tyranids will rarely have an invulnerable save.
With the new rule overwatch, and no longer assaulting from reserves, it is getting harder to make into combat with enough to kill units. This is more so true with many of tyranids "glass cannon" style units.
New rumors are making it sound like Tyranids will still be a very psyker reliant army. And more rumors about MCs, which is not the problem for Nids, it is functional infantry instead.
What I would like to see would be an increase in unit mobility/deployment options, unique perks/protections (immune to rending etc), and tricks to making it into combat (stunning opponents, preventing overwatch). But I won't hold my breath that gw is creative enough to do things like this.
What I'm afraid will happen will be a complete style overhaul like deamons. Even if they do better, they won't be the army I fell in love with. So here's hoping something good happens, but I'll keep working on my tau till then.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Army Archetypes
By TheGraveMind
Been bored at work, and was thinking about how Sisters fit into 40k. I started comparing the different armies to classic/fantasy archetypes. Maybe my Roll playing memories were just coming back to my thoughts.
Been bored at work, and was thinking about how Sisters fit into 40k. I started comparing the different armies to classic/fantasy archetypes. Maybe my Roll playing memories were just coming back to my thoughts.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Deathwing in Apocalypse
By TheGravemind
So some of you might remember I have a deathwing force I started sometime back. It was originall planned to be a Mantis Warrior first company force using deathwing rules. The 6th edition happened and terminators were supposed to be better. And then the DA book was on the way so they waited. Deathwing sucks now, so they sit primed on a shelf. I had even bought chapter house shoulderpads for them.
So some of you might remember I have a deathwing force I started sometime back. It was originall planned to be a Mantis Warrior first company force using deathwing rules. The 6th edition happened and terminators were supposed to be better. And then the DA book was on the way so they waited. Deathwing sucks now, so they sit primed on a shelf. I had even bought chapter house shoulderpads for them.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Red fighting machine
By TheGraveMind
I'm going to be heading up to the Indiana Championship tournament in lafayette soon. I've been busy this week painting my army as I haven't had much time beforehand. Its not up to the level I was hoping for, but it is a good start and I'm really enjoying how it is coming along.
I'm interested in seeing how my army performs in this more cut throat environment. I've only played them once in a small local event and a few times in pick up games.
They deffinitly are not to the comfort level I have with my tyranids, but I think have a lot of potential I can get out of them. As long as I don't make too many mistakes.
This should be a tough yet fun end to the tournament season. After this I will bunker down for the winter and work on the hobby side a lot more. I have two other armies on the back burner and some terrain as well. Plus tyranids will be back in Januarary, so I have to manage my hobby time.
I'm going to be heading up to the Indiana Championship tournament in lafayette soon. I've been busy this week painting my army as I haven't had much time beforehand. Its not up to the level I was hoping for, but it is a good start and I'm really enjoying how it is coming along.
I'm interested in seeing how my army performs in this more cut throat environment. I've only played them once in a small local event and a few times in pick up games.
They deffinitly are not to the comfort level I have with my tyranids, but I think have a lot of potential I can get out of them. As long as I don't make too many mistakes.
This should be a tough yet fun end to the tournament season. After this I will bunker down for the winter and work on the hobby side a lot more. I have two other armies on the back burner and some terrain as well. Plus tyranids will be back in Januarary, so I have to manage my hobby time.