
Friday, April 16, 2010

Ard Boyz option 2

I need to be less of a think-tank, and get more practice games in.

I had another idea for a possible Ard boyz list. I was toying around with the idea of a HQ tervigon for a smaller point list. I had orginally been against the idea of a Tervigon as an HQ, the only role in my mind for this Trooper-pooper is to fill a troop slot with six T6 wounds. But if one is a troop choice, and the second is Hq, then I have a very large troop potential for 400pts.

So here is my second varience of a 2,500 point list. Similar to my first post, but a slightly different style to it.

Alpha warrior; dual boneswords, regeneration
Tervigon Prime; cluster spines, catalyst
Zoanthrope x3; In a pod with barbed strangler
Hive guard x3
Hive guard x3
Guants x15; spinefists
Tervigon; cluster spines, catalyst, toxin sacs
Warriors x6; scything talons, deathspitters, barbed strangler
Genestealers x10
Genestealers x10
Raveners x5; scything talons and rending claws
Tyrannofex; larvae swarm, cluster spines, rupture cannon
Tyrannofex; larvae swarm, cluster spines, rupture cannon
Biovores x2

That leaves me with 120 points still open, I'm thinking either a squad of hormagaunts or gargoyles.

Very similar to my other list, but I take out the 300 point possible sink of a Tyrant, replace it with two stealer squads. Since stealers can handle infantry, and I lost the HVC of the tyrant, I replaced the third biovore with another Hive guard.

So thoughts and opinions? How competitive is this list?


  1. I'm not super stoked on Stealers (at least without a Broodlord and toxin sacs), preferring Raveners, but I think this looks solid.

    Another Tervigon wouldn't hurt, so dropping Stealers for that and adding Raveners would be kinda sweet.

    If you have spare points, throw some Spore Mines in. They can disrupt enemy deployment and at 2500, even blocking off a small portion of their deployment zone can cause lots of problems.

  2. Well I'm not a fan of the new broodlord, and I find toxin sacs over kill for everything but MEQ, which they should still do fine with. I already have a five man squad of raveners, all last edition metal (my favorite model) and I don't feel like buying any more.

    I have two tervigons, which is already pushing my comfort envelope. Adding a third one is a slippery slope to the 5 tervigon list. besides I don't have any more carnifexes to convert nor termagants to spawn.

    I've tried spore mines, against mech they do nothing, 3+ marines don't fear them. The only thing they hurt were orks. And making orks think about deployment is bad for both ends. lol

  3. I have never seen Genestealers get good mileage, for or against me. I dunno, but the nerf to rending just neutered them. That Broodlord brings the S5, lots of attacks and Fantasy-style Killing Blow. He's pricey, but I don't think I'd ever take stealers with 'em. Like I said, I'm not the guy to go to if you wanna use stealers :P

    I think 2 Tervies are great, and springing for 3 isn't so bad when you're at 2500. It's no bigs either way, just preference.

    Mines can't be relied upon to do a lot of damage, but they can show up in a place your opponent wanted to stick his fancy tank (nice cover) or will want to move through. It's area denial, not by threatening, just by taking up space. If you've got 10-30 points leftover, why not?
